Hindu Heritage Month

November is Hindu Heritage Month!! Canada has recognized the contributions of Canadian Hindus and they have honored the community by declaring November as Hindu Heritage Month (HHM). This month, the city of London has also declared November as HHM in London. An official proclamation will be done next year in November.

During HHM, the community has undertaking many activities to celebrate and honor Hindus in Canada including:

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Donation to the Food Bank in London. The Hindu Community donated over 1,300 lbs of food to the Food Bank.
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City of London declares November as Hindu Heritage Month.
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TVDSB officially recognizes HHM in its schools.
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HHM displays were created at several schools in the district including Sir Arthur Curry, Wilfrid Jury, Banting, Centennial PS, University Heights, and Jack Chambers!
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Diwali Dhamaka

Diwali Dhamaka created by our sister organization Srishti Canada (srishticanada.org) is the biggest Diwali celebration in SW Ontario with over 1,200 attending.