Hindu Legacy Parents Support Group

Who We Are

What is Hindu Legacy Parents Support Group (PSG)?

We are a support group operated solely by a team of volunteers.  Our intention is to create a safe space for young parents to share their issues and get education, guidance, and support. The main objectives of HL-PSG are: 

● Provide support to young parents who are facing issues in the community.
● Provide guidance and education about Hinduism and how to deal with sensitive issues in the community.
● Provide awareness about Hindu issues in the community (and beyond).

What can you expect out of PSG?

Support for Hindu Parents, day to day issues discussion related to kids education (racism, bullying, conversion etc.).  Regular monthly meetings, workshops etc.. All the information shared here is confidential and should not be shared anywhere else other than this group. Prior consent is must  before sharing it with other groups 

Contact Us:

Upcoming Events:

  • Holiday Party – Venue TBD
  • To register, click HERE
  • Agenda:
    • No agenda – just come and enjoy with your peers.